February 2019


Love the Life You Live.

When we allow ourselves to become still for even a moment, we have the opportunity to notice that love always surrounds us.

Love can come in the form of a person, a job, a home, a river or the feeling of a warm coat hugging our shoulders. Love is a limitless language. It’s found in words, tastes, touches, sounds, feelings and more.

There’s a Danish word, hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) that perhaps says it best. This one little word packs in a whole lot of meaning. And that is an acknowledgment of feeling cozy contentment by enjoying the simple things in life.

So I invite you to join me in taking a breath. Close your eyes. Just notice how the air around you warms or cools your skin. Notice the scents of coffee, flowers… or perhaps perfume. Wrap your hands around a warm mug of tea and feel the heat kiss your palms. This is a moment of hygge.

During February, the month of love, I hope you experience endless noticing moments like these. May your love tank be filled to overflowing. And may your heart light the winter sky.

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