May 2017


Planting New Seeds.

As buds begin to open and flowers bloom, the deepest parts of ourselves also awaken. Spring is the time to plant new seeds that reflect what makes us feel most alive. For some, that may mean buying or selling a home, for others it may be learning a new language—but whatever the size of your dream, it all begins with you.

Whether your seeds take the shape of a garden, or potted plants on the patio, each holds the potential for our personal growth and happiness. As this season unfolds, I find myself soaking in all the light and practicing presence. I often watch the sun rise— and set. I notice daily miracles. And enjoy the progress of fresh, green shoots as they push through the soil. As the Earth continues to awaken, I recommend checking out, The Book of Awakening, by Mark Nepo. This is a beautiful book of essays—one for each day of the year; that open with the grace of spring flowers in bloom.

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